Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Mumbai blast repeats

Now,Mumbai city becomes the zone of target to the terrorists.The Government is so much sluggish about the terrorists , the mafias , the outsiders , the black marketeers etc so that this type of incidence repeats..Even,the decision on Kasov is still pending where as government is very much eager about the activities of the national oppositions.Mumbai is the heart of our international trade center . Any attack on the side of foreign terrorists whether they belong to any caste or creed , they should be treated as our national enemy.The sea-coast polishing is not up to date , and the Mumbai police is inactive to detect bad elements who can create massacre at any time.The government should search out the culprits behind this event at once.The loss of the poor fellows are the loss of our country.No body can compensate these losses.
The causes behind the mafia-terrorist-police of Mumbai since long are to be explored.The govt. cannot deny its responsibility.


  1. once again they have proved that our govt is gud 4 nothng.

  2. Mumbai terror attacks: If US can after 9/11, why can't India after 26/11?

  3. The need of the hour is tight security throughout - not that when there is an attack, everything is put on high alert for a week or two, situation becomes normal and the whole system becomes complacent till another incident happens. Every citizen of India in the present scenario needs secuirty all throughout and it is the duty of the government of India and the state governments to work in unison and secure the country and the citizens. All parties must work together towards this unmindful of their party differences - do we Indians have this kind of an heart. No. We are self-interested and that is the reason we are the soft targets of terrorist outfits. Our politicians and their families are safe - so 'we will do something about it' attitude. The ultimate sufferer is the common man who elects the so called representatives of our country. Dear Sirs, it is high time - pl. req to ur govt. to act fast and provide security to your citizens 24 x 7.

    Bitasa (Australia)
