Tuesday, 6 August 2013


African Regional CO2 Emission       

--Dr.Debesh Bhowmik

African CO2 emission is neither discarded nor ignored in spite of that its emission is less than Asia or Euro Area or USA. In 2005 , Africa’s total CO2 emission was 1048899 thousand metric ton which increased to 1148890 thousand metric ton in 2011 although the per capita emission had decreased from 1.2 to 1.1 during the period. The regional variation of emission was noticeable since the Central and East Africa emitted little amount than the other regions and the increment was not so much damaging. But, the North Africa and Southern African CO2 emission were too high and the increment was also high from 2005 to 2011. Yet , the per capita CO2 emission of those regions dwindled except in North Africa.

Southern African emission was 483624 thousand metric ton in 2005 which stepped up to 519661 thousand metric ton in 2011and North African emission was increased by 365616 thousand metric ton in 2005 to 434578 thousand metric ton in 2011 but its per capita emission had risen too. The most success story was that a reduction of emission was noticed in West Africa from 136563 thousand metric ton in 2005 to 113272 thousand metric ton in 2011.

The CO2 emission of African countries was also shown by trading blocs where African Monetary Union emitted from 206624thousand metric ton in 2005 to 232911 thousand metric ton in 2011 and its per capita emission rose marginally. The West African Economic and Monetary Union emitted from 20298 thousand metric to in 2005 to 23797 thousand metric ton in 2011 where per capita emission remained the same. The CO2 emission had dwindled in ECOWAS bloc from 136464 thousand metric ton in 2005 to 113121 thousand metric ton in 2011 and its per capita emission also decreased. The bloc SADC emitted from 489477 thousand metric ton in 2005 to 528855 thousand metric ton in 2011 in which per capita emission also reduced. The emission increased from 238339 thousand metric ton in 2005 to 299887 thousand metric ton in 2011 in the bloc COMESA where per capita emission was unchanged during the period. Therefore, the largest shares of emission were borned by the northern and southern Africa. The west African monetary union and west African States were able to reduce their emission . At a glance, the African States are more conscious about the impact of GHG and the climate change.I think , more efforts were taken in LULUCF and REDD in Africa and even adaptation is too high in those regions .It was recognized that women participation in reducing GHG in bio-diversity and adaptation principle was appreciable in Africa.Even , the building up of renewable energy in Africa is not negligible although the African people are more aware about the decrease in productivity in agriculture due to global warming. Lastly, the target of African states in reduction of GHG with in the planning framework of 2013-2022 is to be highly praised.   



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