Sunday, 29 January 2017

Behaviour and Determinants of Real Effective Exchange Rate of India"

MBA Department of Vidyasagar University organised a two days International Seminar during 25-26 January,2017 on Recent Innovations in Management,Accounting Business and Entrepreneurship.
I have presented a paper on "Behaviour and Determinants of Real Effective Exchange Rate of India"The details of the paper is given below.

In this paper,author endeavours to establish the patterns and trends of Real Effective Exchange Rate of India during 1970-2015 and tries to show the determinants of REER eg,growth rate,current account deficit as per cent of GDP,per cent of openness, foreign direct investment inflows, and foreign exchange reserves excluding gold.The author used semi-log,double log linear and exponential model,autoregession,ARIMA ,GARCH models for trends and volatility.Bai-Perron (2003) model was applied to show structural breaks and Hodrick-Prescott (1997 ) model was applied for smoothness of cyclical trend.Johansen (1988, 1991, 1996) models were used to fit cointegration test and vector error correctons.Residual tests were done to verify autocorrelations, normality and impulse response functions were found to show stability and convergence.
                      The paper concludes that REER has been declining at the rate 0.4085 per cent per year which is insignificant at 5% level during 1970-2015 but it is exponentially declining at the rate of 0.2028 per cent which is significant.AR(1) of REER is convergent,stationary and significant but AR(2) is convergent ,nonstationary and insignificant.Even ARIMA(1,1,1) is nonstationary because AR(1) is stationary but MA(1) is nonstationary.GARCH(1,1) showed insignificant.Thus the series REER is highly volatile.This series contains five significant structural breaks in 1976,1986,1992,(downward)2004 and 2010(upward).It’s pattern is cyclical which was turned to smooth cycle.Trace statistic showed three cointegrating vectors and Max-Eigen Statistic showed two cointegrating vectors that verify cointegration in the order one.Vector Error Correction model is stable because all roots lie in the unit root circle but it is nonstationary because impulse response functions are diverging and error corrections are significant  only in degree of openness and FDI inflows in relating REER during 1970-2015 with one period lag.Residuals test of VECM confirmed non normality and autocorrelations.
         Only sound fiscal and monetary policy can control upward movement of REER so that significant relationships can be achieved with those selected determinants that would spur the growth of international trade.

Key words---Real Effective Exchange Rate, stationary,structural breaks, causality, cointegration,vector error correction
Behaviour and determinants of Real Effective Exchange Rate of India

Real Effective Exchange Rate is an important tool in managing international trade and finance and macroeconomic stability in an open economy. It influenced export and import prices and trade volumes. Appreciation and depreciation of REER determined terms of trade, openness, foreign exchange reserves of an economy to at great extent.FDI inflows and current account balance are largely depend on the REER because in the liberalized and globalised world the adjustment in balance of payments is largely correlated with the movement of REER.The REER is closely related with the nominal and real rate by definition when it is trade weighted or export weighted with group of countries. Exchange rate policy whether it is nominal or real controls national inflation and influenced international inflation in which interest rate differential is the crucial and key variable. Today, under globalization REER is closely related with the growth rate also since volatility of REER is the barrier of high growth in which volume of trade affects. According to Balassa-Samuelson effect,volatility of REER influenced export competitiveness and productivity.In calculating REER based with export or trade weighted 36 countries,RBI did not consider productivity.Even,India have not long run data on REER,and NEER. However,India could not predict well the nature of capital account convertibility,the productivity changes and terms of trade changes in relating to REER. Therefore, the task before RBI is crucial because policy of exchange rate also related with monetary and fiscal policies as well.
II.Objective of the study
This paper endeavours to study the behavior patterns of REER and its determinants in India during 1970-2015 where the author assumed that the basic determinants of REER are growth rate,current account deficit as per cent of GDP,openness of the economy,foreign direct investment inflows,foreign exchange reserves excluding gold and so on .The relation were calculated through cointegration and vector error correction models.The policies of REER and limitations of the paper are also the aims of this study. 

REER of India during 1970-2015 is significantly decreasing exponentially at the rate of0.2028% per year.AR(2),ARIMA(1,1,1) are non stationary, GARCH(1,1) is exstremely volatile.REER has five structural breaks in 1976,1986,1992,2004 and 2010 ,it follows random walk, REER has bidirectional causality with growth rate,current account balance,FDI inflows but unidirectional causality with openness and foreign exchange reserves.
Johansen unrestricted cointegration rank test among REER ,growth rate,current account deficit,trade openness,FDI inflows and foreign exchange reserves assured that Trace Statistic contains three cointegrating equations and Max Eigen Statistic contains two cointegrating equations which determined they are cointegrated in the order one, All the estimated equations of VECM are not good fit except Δx3t and Δx4t where error correction processes are significant and even the changes of variables are not related with previous period significantly.
TOT,NEER are not included,model could be explained in pre reform and post reform period and in different exchange rate regime.It is necessary to reduce inflation,to rise foreign exchange reserves,to increase trade surplus and to rise productivity which will lower cost that may decrease price level and REER.
More the protection the less is the REER volatility,so avoid capital account liberalization. Again,the higher the foreign exchange reserves the lower is the commodity TOT shock to REER which tends to lower volatility of REER. RBI is trying to resist volatility of REER and formulates [i] to develop skill in dealing spot and foreward market,[ii] to compete with FED rate by reducing interest rate,[iii] to increase in outflow of port folio which will call for new exchange rate and monetary policy,[iv] to allow alternative exchange rate policy to check appreciation of REER which enhance capital inflows,[v] to monitor excessive exchange rate depreciation which follows loss of foreign exchange reserves during macro economic shocks ,[vi] thus Rajan said India needs macroeconomic stability.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Growth -Inflation Nexus in USA:A Threshold Regression Approach

MBA department of Vidyasagar University organized two days International Seminar during 25-26 January,2017 on the theme “Recent Innovations in Management,Accounting ,Business and Entrepreneurship”.Honourable V.C. Prof. Ranjan Banerjee inaugurated the seminar. Prof.V.G.Venkatesh ,Waikato University,NewZealand addressed as chief guest  on “Changing dynamics in supply chain in International perspectives”and Prof.Ankit Katrodia of South Africa addressed as Special guest on “Scope of entrepreneurship:A comparison between India and South Africa”.Prof.R.P.Banerjee,Formerly IIM and now Director of EIILM,Kolkata addressed on Emerging Issues of Management in India and Overseas” and Prof.T.P.Ghosh from IMT,Dubai addressed on Oil Dependency of G.C.C. market.More than 40 renouned scholars presented their research papers.
Prof Debasish Biswas of Vidyasagar University,MBA Deparment and I(Dr.Debesh Bhowmik,-Former Principal) also have presented a paper jointly on “Growth-Inflation nexus in USA:A Threshold Regression Approach”
The details of the paper is given below.

Growth-Inflation nexus in USA:A Threshold Regression Approach

Dr.Debesh Bhowmik
(Retired Principal and Associated in International Institute for Development Studies,Kolkata. debeshbhowmik@rediffmail.com)
Dr.Debasish Biswas
(Assistant Professor,MBA Department,Vidyasagar University,debasish762010@yahoo.com)


The paper endeavours to find out the nature of inflation of USA during 1961-2015 and
to find out the nexus between inflation and growth using Granger causality, Johansen cointegration and vector error correction models.It also showed threshold limit of inflation of 1.75-3.0 per cent in USA using GDP deflator as inflation and taking World Bank Data. It finds one structural break at 1992 and no random walk with drift. Growth inflation nexus is negative. They are cointegrated and showed unidirectional causality. Error correction process is very fast and significant but vector error correction model is stable but divergent. Federal Reserve Bank is in favour of fiscal and monetary policy reforms to curb inflation.

Key words: Inflation,Economic growth, Granger Causality,Vector Error Correction, Threshold,Monetary policy


The relationship between inflation and economic growth plays an important role in the economy.
High and stable output growth and low inflation are the two main goals of macroeconomic policy. In the economic literature, there has been considerable debate on the nature of inflation and growth relationship. Mundel (1965) and Tobin (1965) predict a positive relationship between the rate of inflation and the rate of capital accumulation, which in turn, implies a positive relationship to the rate of economic growth. Fischer and Modigliani (1978) suggest a negative and nonlinear relationship between the rate of inflation and economic growth through the new growth theory mechanism. They mention that inflation restricts economic growth largely by reducing the efficiency of investment rather than its level. Both the views of the structuralists and the monetarists up to a certain extent, that is, low inflation is helpful for economic growth but once the economy achieves faster growth then inflation is detrimental for the sustainability of such growth. High inflation can cause companies or investors to shift resources away from high to low inflation countries as a hedge against losses that might be generated from rising costs of inflation. However, low inflation levels promote economic growth by making prices and wages more flexible. If high inflation is detrimental for the economy and low inflation is beneficial, then it is natural to ask what the optimal level of inflation for an economy is.  For each country or group of countries there exists a certain level or a range of inflation (threshold inflation) which is conducive for growth. If inflation is indeed harmful for economic growth when it reaches a particular threshold level, then knowing this level as well as potential losses of output growth in the short run and in the long run is crucial for formulating macroeconomic policies. Hence it is important to investigate the existence and nature of the link between these two variables.

The paper concludes that inflation of USA has been declining at the rate of 1.58% per year during 1961-2015.It has no random walk with drift but it showed a structural break in 1992 at 2.27% .One percent increase in inflation rate per year led to 0.88% decrease in growth rate per year in USA at the specified time. Growth inflation causality is unidirectional and they are cointegrated in the order one. Error correction is speedy and significant which was found in VECM which is stable but divergent. The threshold level of inflation rate or target rate is a limit of 1.75-3.00 per cent beyond which growth will be more adverse for the economy. 

Sunday, 1 January 2017


This paper has been presented in the 99th conference of Indian Economic Association at S.V.University,Tirupati on 28/12/2016 


Dr.Debesh Bhowmik
Ex.Principal and Associate Editor, Arthabeekshan-Journal of BEA
Life member-Indian Economic Association
The Indian Econometric Society
Economic Association of Bihar
Bengal Economic Association

Dr.Debesh Bhowmik (Ex.Principal and Associate Editor, Arthabbekshan-Journal of BEA)
The paper explored that Indian exports increased at the rate 11.28% per year during 1968-2015 whose residuals are heteroscedastic having autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation problems. Export is exponentially increasing at the rate of 0.6058% per year . Indian exports showed four structural breaks in the year 1976,1988, 1995 and 2004 respectively. Hodrick- Prescott Filter is found good fit with minimized cycles.
The paper observed that Indian exports is positively significant with exchange rate, degree of openness and GDP during 1968-2015 but export unit value index, WPI, FDI inflows have shown insignificant usual relation with export. Its ADF are significant in both level and first difference series. The cross correlation coefficients are positive and significant. The exports and its determinants are cointegrated in the order one where Trace Statistic has five cointegrating vectors and Max Eigen Statistic has three cointegrating vectors. So, VECM showed speedy error correction process with good fit of the estimated seven equations but VECM is not stable and stationary having non normal distribution and without serial correlation.

Key words – Export trends, determinants of exports, cointegration, VEC
JEL-F14 ,F20, F21, P33